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Christmas Day and the next few...

Happy Holidays.

New snow ahead, but....

If you are skiing Christmas day expect a little new snow, but also a chance of a little brief freezing rain. New snowfall Christmas day will be a trace - 3”. Snow level will rise a bit to 3,500 ft from 2,000 ft today. Heads up: early season conditions exist. Snow quality and coverage is variable. There is limited terrain, and some lifts are not open.

If you are waiting until after Christmas, Tuesday will see modest new snow mid to upper slopes, with wet snow down lower. New snow will be seen in the morning 1-4” with light new snow falling during the day (1-3”).

Snow levels the rest of the week will be from 3,500 to 5,000 ft, with occasional new snow – but nothing major. Again, a bit heavy and grabby on the lower slopes from time to time. Good grooming will help. The snow level trend is downward later in the week,

Although the snowfall is picking up a bit in the days ahead, at this point it’s not as robust as I hoped. The fronts are moving in as I thought, but weakening. Weather fronts (three this week) are tearing apart as they move into the NW. Weak fronts don’t produce much snowfall. They run out of steam, as they plow into a stubborn area of high pressure, anchored over the Inland NW. Adding to that, we are seeing occasional mild air moving in from the south and southwest with the weaker fronts. Air from that direction, brings higher snow levels into the NW, with limited cold air in the mix. As a result, snow levels are struggling to stay low.

Later in the week, the pattern will see more consistent cool weather with westerly air flow. Ths will help deliver lower snow levels. But the storm track will sag into California later in the week, taking with it some of our snow.

That is the best I can do for now. Update coming for Thursday.

Hope for the best for you, your family and friends in the Holidays.

Grand Poobah of Powder

Meteorologist - Larry Schick

P.S. I'm doing another ZOOM. Wed, Jan 3rd 6:30-7:30.

Submit your questions early by clicking on  this link to the Google Form.

Meeting ID: 860 0302 2114


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