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Storm dud, but don't panic!

Hello skiers and snowboarders.

We didn’t promise much Cascade snowfall from this weak storm last night and this storm certainly lived up to our meager expectations. The “storm” moved in last night with little or no snowfall. An inch at Mt Baker and a trace to an inch elsewhere. The storm is moving out now with very little additional snowfall. What a dud.

A weak high will move in Friday through the weekend. That will keep us mainly dry, with clouds at times. I am more optimistic about Monday, as a low off California spins moisture our way. Again, don’t expect much. I’ll update on Sunday, but right now it looks like minor snowfall (1-5”) on Monday into Tuesday (SL 4,500ft). The weather turns dry after that, but there is great uncertainty as the storm track aims at California, but bands of moisture migrate our way. Some of those moisture bands or the entire low might move our way (we'd get dumped if that happens). It’s unclear right now. Update will come Sunday.

Late in December is typically when El Niño starts to influence our winter weather. The El Niño weather circulation pattern change will cause milder weather in the Pacific Northwest, sometimes with dry spells.

Don’t panic. Let’s see how it sets up. Remember last season, when California saw near-record wet weather as the storm track aimed at them? We did fine, with some of the most consistently low snow levels I have ever seen, last winter into spring.

I am confident changes are coming along the entire West Coast toward the end of this month. The nuances and details of those changes are unclear right now. I can only hope the changes will be in our favor, but the reality is, the weather will be a mixed bag.

Agreed - this is a painfully slow start to our ski season. I will keep you up to date. Many ski areas are open- but limited. Early season conditions exist, so be careful.

Happy Holidays

Grand Poobah of Powder

larry schick – meteorologist

“We should constantly be reminded of what we owe in return to what we have”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Please consider contributions to your favorite charity for the holidays. Here are a few I have supported and donated time or money to over the years.

Support outdoor fun for everybody. When I worked for KING 5, I did a report on this wonderful NW organization.

Helping to make winter in the mountains safer.

Cool history of the people and places of Washington skiing. It’s free. Check it out at Snoqualmie Summit.

A solid organization I have been involved with for over 10 years. Water for drinking and hygiene for the world’s poorest people. A proven program.


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